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7 Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.
Romans 15:7
Welcome. Thanks for stopping by!
We hope you’ll visit us and experience our Sunday worship celebration. Our prayer and desire is to make your time at Bethel a positive and meaningful experience.
Here are a few things you might enjoy knowing before you arrive. When you walk in, please drop by the WELCOME CENTRE. Someone will be there to help answer any questions you may have, before and after church.
New here? Please fill out our Guest Card

Our Worship

Bethel engages in vibrant, passionate, and authentic worship. We gather on Sunday mornings to worship our God together, to celebrate the salvation we have received in Christ, and to be edified and empowered in our lives of worship. Our services are filled with Scripture, biblically based sermons, prayer, and music. Singing to our Lord is a central part of our Sunday morning gatherings, and our main instrument is the voice of the congregation! We incorporate a diverse selection of songs and instruments that aim to serve and to build up the congregation.
If you are interested in knowing more about worship at Bethel, or how you could get involved, please contact the Worship Director.
What to expect
Our services start at 10:00 am. Feel free to arrive earlier to have a look around, settle any children into the Child Care Centre, and chat with others. Services are typically 60-75 minutes long. After the service, you are welcome to join us over a coffee or tea, or juice.
Our services are Sundays at 10 a.m.
Dress comfortably. You’ll fit-in, whether you come casually or dress up a bit. Most are dressed comfortably and casually.
There is childcare during the service at the child care centre on the North end of main floor.
- Most weeks, there is Sunday School for children ages 3-Grade 5, which begins part way through the service, and meets in the Children & Youth Wing on the lower level.
- Children under the age of three are welcome in our church nursery.
- For those that stay with parents in the sanctuary, we have colouring sheets and crayons for those that may not have the attention span for the whole sermon.
With the diversity of our members, comes a diversity of music. We aim to use both contemporary and traditional songs led by a variety of musicians and vocalists. Listen to a playlist of songs we often sing at Bethel during our Sunday worship gatherings.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us.
Taking a deeper dive into your faith
“Where do I go from here?”
We are all moving in a direction: some of us with a lot of purpose, while others are still trying to figure things out. All of us have a next step in our spiritual journey — whether we are just learning about Jesus or have attended church all our life. Do you wonder “what is my next step?” We’d love to help you figure that out. We all need to help each other grow toward faith or grow in faith.
Our location
365 Queen Street, Acton, ON L7J 2M6